Tuesday, 24 February 2015

Research Log

Fay Godwin

The photographer Fay Godwin is a massive influence on my own photography work this is because her locations, aspect of landscape and black and white effect are very inspiring and reflect in my own work that I am going to be photographing.

Kate Mellor 

The reason why I am influenced by the photograph Kate Mellor is because of her wide angle photographs that emphasise the aspect of scale in landscape this is because it emphasises this very well. I also like her lighting in her photographs as it creates a warming effect to the photographs.

James Ravilious 
 Jame's photography intrigues me this is because he takes photographs from very different angles to make the photographs more appealing. I also like the black and white effect he has used this will be shown in my own work as well.

Charlie Waite 

The reason that Charlie Waite's photography interests me is because he emphasises the aspect of scale in landscapes through depth this is shown in a lot of his photography work and this photograph above. I also like the colours he used they are very bright and stand out to me.

Adam Burton

Adam Burtons photograph's are landscapes taken in the snow I find this very beautiful to look at as the textures of the snow enhance the stunning landscape and the scale of it. His photography show winter and the beauty of the landscapes very well which I love.

Peter Watson 

Peter Watson is a landscape photographer and the reason why I have chosen to put his work in my research log is because of the colours he uses in his landscape photography. The colours create a variety of tones and create an intense atmosphere that makes the landscape look stunning.

Helen Dixon 

The photographer Helen Dixon uses the aspect of movement in her landscape photography which is something I want my project to lead and develop to. This photograph and most of her work also shows the aspect of scale through tones and the formal element depth in her work.

Colin Prior 

Colin Prior is a very complex photographer who's work shows a variety of landscapes in different countries. I really like how the colours in his were are very deep and romantic and make the landscapes look very pretty. He also shows the aspect of scale in his work which is my starting point. The idea of reflection is shown in this photograph which is a photograph that will influence me in my own work.

Dawn Elliot

I really like how the use of selective colour is used in Dawn Elliot's work this makes the photograph very interesting and is something that I will be using as one of the techniques in my own work. 

Richard Keil

Richard keil uses the aspect of scale to promote his photography. Richard Keil is an marketing photographer where he sells products through his photography therefore his work will be professional to persuade the audience to buy the product.

Gary Eastwood

Gary Eastwood was awarded landscape photographer of the year in 2008 and this was the photograph that won him this award. His work is breath taking and the depth and  scale that the landscape emphasises show how professional his work is.

JRA Photography

The reason why this photographer interests me is because in his personal work he uses the idea of silhouette photography and this makes the landscapes look very mysterious and sinister. I also like how the sky is a key feature in his landscapes as it brings out different lightings and tones which show the complexity of his photography. 

David Keochkerian

David is a french photographer who creates beautiful infra red photographs. He says that he was totally captivated by the poetry and fantastic atmosphere that emanated from these photographs. I really like his work and will be using his idea as it interests me as its unique. 

Jonathan Lucas

This photograph is very different and very inspirational for my own work this is because the idea of using a human in the photograph to appear much bigger than the landscape to show how scale is used in landscape. This idea is also very unique yet very simple to edit into photographs.

Antony Spencer

Antony Spencer's work intrigues me because of the document of colour used in the landscape. In this photograph above it shows the colour green used in different shades and tones. This is very affective as it makes the colour stand out and create a very unique photograph. 

Liam Frankland 

Liam's work is something that I am influenced by because of the use of selective colour in all his work. This technique is something that I would like to include in my own work. I also like how the landscape is blurred in the background to show show a main focus in the photograph.

Teddy Duran 

Teddy Duran's photography is very good and it shows the aspect of scale in landscapes very well this is shown through the formal element depth and the formal element colour. I especially like the colour used in his work as they are all very bright and make the nature of the landscape very beautiful. 

Paul Reiffer

Paul's photography is mainly focusing on the city New York. This is very influential to me this is because I have recently done a shoot there. The idea of converting the whole photograph to an orange colour makes the photograph very interesting and stand out and is something I will try in my own photographs but with different colours.

Jake Pike

Jake Pike one landscape photographer of the year 2014 and this was one of his photographs that shows the aspect of scale in landscape. I also really like his work because they show the aspect of texture in landscapes as shown in this photograph. The idea of using texture as the main focus makes the photographs look very realistic to look at.

Dave Fieldhouse

This photographer is a professional landscape photographer who photographs the scale of landscapes making sure he emphaisises the nature in the photograph. I really like the neutral colours shown in this photograph as it makes the photograph very misty and this is what makes the photograph appealing to look at.

Work diary - Shoot 2

This shoot was taken as a development from my previous shoot. This shoot was still continuing the influence of Fay Godwin but instead of photographing landscapes of nature I decided to still develop and enhance the aspect of scale in landscapes. However photographing a different location that Fay Godwin was also best known for and that is the sea side. I looked at photographs that she had already taken to get some inspiration before I went and shot mine this allowed me to feel more organised and well planned when I came to shooting. The location that I done my shoot as was 'Bournemouth beach' this was a very beautiful sea side which allowed me to be very creative with my editing afterwards.

The photographs I looked at before my shoot that Fay Godwin photographed were:

                                                                                                                      Fay Godwin's photograph

This photograph was taken as part of my second shoot for aspects of landscape and shows the aspect of scale in the photograph. This is because the low angle photograph allows the depth of the sea to emphasised which makes the scale of the sea look very large. This allows the photograph to look realistic as its giving the audience a feel of what the location would be like in real life. Furthermore this photograph was inspired by the landscape photographer Fay Godwin this is because she has taken a very similar photograph in her own portfolio however there are difference between them this was done to show the connection between my work and hers. This photograph was also converted into black and white and was taken of the sea side to show how Fay Godwin has influenced my work and brought me to this stage of my journey in this project. Overall I am very pleased with this photograph as I feel it makes the sea side look beautiful and the aspect of scale used also brings a slight aspect of movement into the sea even though it's a still photograph.

This photograph was one of my edits that I created for my second shoot of aspects of landscapes. This photograph emphasises the aspect of scale in a landscape continuing on from my first shoot. The reason I presented these individual photographs in a multiple imagery grid was because it allowed the aspect of scale to be shown more exaggerated as well as the edit showing a connection between the multiple imagery question in the exam as well showing how complex my work is. The individual photographs were converted into black and white because this reflects Fay Godwins work and how the use of the black and white effect shows a calming and tranquil atmosphere. The idea of using multiple imagery to show the landscapes in each photograph also shows the range of photographs I had taken and allows the audience to see different parts of the landscape that altogether show very clearly how big the scale is of this sea side. In addition this photograph also slightly shows the aspect of movement in landscapes this is shown in the two photographs at the bottom showing the still movement of the people and the dog running in the sea. This is an idea that I can develop on from this in shoots to come which will allow my shoots to all connect as they are taken.

Aspects of Landscapes (Shoot 2)

Friday, 13 February 2015

Work Diary (Shoot 1)

My first photography shoot was inspired by the photographer 'Fay Godwin'. Fay Godwin is a British photographer who is well known for her black and white landscapes. These photographs specifically focused on the British country sides and coasts. Fay Godwin's early mature work was informed by the sense of ecological crisis that was present in the late 1970's and 1980's in England.Fay Godwin's landscape photographs highlight the aspect of scale in her work which is the starting point of my own work. At the beginning of my photography project I had researched photographers that I could develop from or gain ideas from and these are few that I viewed.

My Fay Godwin style multiple imagery grid

 This multiple imagery grid was inspired by the photographer Fay Godwin and has been presented in a multiple imagery grid to emphasise the aspect of scale that this landscape had. These photographs combine my main project of aspects of landscape with multiple imagery and document of colour. This is because this then will allow my photographs to show connections and look more complex. These photographs were edited in black and white to show the inspiration I gained from Fay Godwin. As well as the different angles and use of depth in each individual picture. Furthermore this multiple imagery grid shows a journey in each photograph as each photograph has a pathway leading somewhere. This makes these photographs show a mystery and by using the black and white effect also shows the sinister aspect of each photograph. I am very happy with how these photographs turned out and feel that this was a solid starting point to my project allowing my ideas to develop from this.

To develop from this shoot my next shoot will be continuing the inspiration from the British landscape photographer 'Fay Godwin' however to develop from this shoot I will be photographing the aspect of scale of coasts. This is because this will allow my inspiration from Fay Godwin to develop and to show the variety of locations I can photograph emphasising scale.

Aspects of landscapes (Shoot 1)